Monday, September 7, 2015

Becoming a Waitress

Chenet Bonnèt here,

It has been a long time, and I have realized that I really want to write more lifestyle type blogs along with fashion posts, so I hope everyone likes them.

I really needed a job, and for months and months after my last semester of college classes ended I was applying to tons of retail jobs. I had a couple interviews and no job seemed to turn out from them. I applied to one restaurant just because, never thinking I would actually work in one.

  Honestly, if you knew me you would probably think the same, I have an attitude when people get snappy with me, I have two left feet and have no coordination at all. So the thought of carrying multiple drinks and plates and trying not to run into tables and keep a calm and happy face on when customers get angry and fussy was not a task I thought I was going to be good at. At all. But I got a call after I had a great interview at an amazing retail store, and It was the Italian restaurant that I had applied for almost three months ago, I agreed to go in and interview (because I was still waiting for a final offer from the retail place). I walked in and met the lady who interviewed me and she was so happy and energetic I couldn't turn down the opportunity. 

  Fast forward to my first day of training... It was crazy. Honestly it was a random Monday night and the restaurant is not to crazy busy. That day it was, I ended up just filling drinks and bussing tables all night, not really learning how to take phone orders or how to help customers sit down and order food. The rest of my training wasn't that bad, it wasn't easy for me because all I know is retail, and I'm terrible with technology so when it came to figuring out how to use the computers I felt lost for a little bit.

  As soon as I was able to have my first table I started loving my new job. I had the absolute cutest couple come in. They were in their mid twenties ( I'm guessing) and they were funny and let me ask them 100x what they were drinking because I kept forgetting. They played 20 questions with me and my life. Haha they told me they were thinking up what my life story was and then asked me to fill in the blanks. 

  Honestly I don't think ill ever have a better table then those people. They left me an amazing tip which was just candles and ice cream onto of the cake, and when I picked up their tap they left me a sweet note.

  Now don't get me wrong I have had a couple of bad tables, people that no matter what you do or change just wont be happy. Me being me did not understand what I did because I know that I give great customer service and always make sure everything is correct, so I took it way to hard. My wonderful manager always says "It's just food, its not that serious". 

And honestly it's true. Im sure a lot of people would disagree with that but it really is just food. 

  Personally I like working as a waitress because you constantly meet new people and get to be in different situations. Everyone I work with are really cool people, they are funny and are always joking and it makes working go by incredibly fast.

  I feel like I am learning a lot, and I never would have thought that I would be doing this, let alone liking it as much as I do.

I already have a lot of stories that I want to write about, and I like this type of informal writing so I will try and continue it. Until then,

Stay authentic 

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