Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Never- Ending Gum Stuck In Mouth Dream Meaning

Chenet Bonnètt here,

   So if you know me personally then you probably know that I have crazy vivid dreams that occur every night. I always wake up remembering the dreams I have, and I used to not think about it to much until my I started telling my boyfriend about them. He told me that I should start looking up the meanings of the dreams so that I know why I am dreaming them.

   The crazy thing is sometimes I actually have super Deja vu type dreams, but not like things that I've done before but more like clairvoyant type dreams. I know it sounds insane and I wouldn't really believe it if someone told me that. I'll write another blogpost about the dreams I've had that have come true before.
  It has gotten to the point where I almost hate going to sleep because I have no clue whats going to happen, and most of the time I just have had dreams over and over in one night. Other nights I have recurring dreams night after night of the same thing. So today I was bored and procrastinating finishing my schoolwork and I took my boyfriends advice and looked up what one of my recurring dreams meant.

  This dream changes up a lot but it is always based off of the same thing, Im doing something ( and like i said it changes, it could be anything) and in my dream I'm standing around and trying to do or say something and I have this gum/taffy thick substance in my throat and mouth. It feels like when you were a kid and stuffed a ton of bubble gum in your mouth to see how much you could fit in there and still be able to chew up. You can still breath but it is hard because there is so much blocking happening. Naturally I try and pull it out. So i normally am able to pull out a handful and when it is gone, another huge glob of the substance is back in my mouth. It is just a constant stream of my mouth and throat being full and me not being able to get it all out. 

   The people that are around me in the dream don't pay attention to the fact that I'm struggling at all. It's kind of like it't not happening at all. It's just weird. And I have this dream all the time. Constantly. It has probably been happening for about a year now, a year when it happens a couple times a week. But before that it had been happening on and off for a while. This is what I found about this particular part of my dreams.

  To dream that you are unable to get rid of your gum suggests that you are experiencing some indecision, powerlessness or frustration. You may lack understanding in a situation or find that a current problem is overwhelming. The  gum in your mouth is a metaphor for something that you are trying to process or digest. Perhaps you feel that you have bitten off more than you can chew.
— DreamMoods
Dreams of chewing something might indicate a need to sort things out. Chewing gum may represent going through the same experience over and over again.
— MythsDreamsSymbols
When you dream of gum it indicates feelings of being trapped and susceptible. You seem to be stuck in a situation in your life. If you cannot get rid of the gum, whether it sticks to your hand or your mouth, you are upset by your inability to get away from the problem.
— DreamDictionary

  When I tell you that I was sitting at my computer freaking out about how accurate this analysis is, I'm serious. I don't really want to explain all of it because that would take forever, but I think that this is interesting, and I'm going to keep looking up my dream meanings and telling you all about it.

  Until then -- Stay Authentic.


  1. I have similar dream experiences except instead of chewing gum it was a a bit of cactus and then honey. After I manage to take it out I woke and my mouth felt really heavey for a few seconds, weird yeah.

  2. I have the same dream you are having and don't know why. Hope you find more info.

  3. I have had this dream many times. I have read that maybe we have said things that we should"t have said and that we (I) cannot take it back.

    1. This is the exact dream that has had me freaked out for days I can still feel the block when I think about it.

  4. These encounters can happen in many different level of intensity. God choose His way to communicate with people according to His sovereignty. 4dpick.com/4d-prediction

  5. Been having the same gum problem in my dreams as well. Reading your first paragraph kinda freaked me out; you're not alone! I too have extremely vivid dreams every night, usually many dreams in one night. I too have little flashes of a situation in my dreams and always happens within a month and I always remember having the dream of the instance. Lately I've been having issues with pulling gum out of my mouth and jot being able to open my eyes. Last night I had 5 dreams within a dream, it was kind of awful. Kept waking up in my bed and couldn't walk or open my eyes. Once I got to the kitchen I would wake up and be in the same dream again...was really scary, in one of them I floated up to the ceiling and got stuck, felt a very scary presence there with me in the room.
    I am always able to wake myself up but in that one I would wake myself up but would be right back in my bed, and the dream would start over. Reminded me of inception! Hahaha. Dreams can be frightening and sometimes really fun. Once I realize I'm dreaming I can usually do whatever and change the story line of my dream to how I want but it takes a lot of focusing. The best dreams are when I can fly ☺

    1. Oh my goodness!!!! 😳 I was basically coming here to say the exact same thing.

      It got so wild I actually stopped chewing gum at all. It was when I'd have the dream in a dream. I'd know I WAS dreaming if there was gum in my mouth...so I NEVER chew gum in reality cuz it freaks me out I might be dreaming 🤣😭 I promise I'm not crazy it's like the weirdest thing about me for sure. Dreaming has always been such a large part of my life and ever since I can remember I'd be in a moment and go "I've been here doing this" and in real time think *insert thing* "is gunna happen next" or "is going to be said next" then the exact thing happens or is said. I always remembered that it definitely happened vividly but not in reality, in my dreams.

    2. I’m the same way! I never chew gum in reality because of my never ending gum dreams

  6. Unknown, what you're describing is sleep paraylsis. Look it up.

  7. I will try that. Very interesting comments from everyone...

  8. I have this same reoccurring dream as well. I actually dig my hand into my mouth to rip out my mouthful of gum, but it never comes out...even after handfuls are pulled out. It’s so frustrating!!

    1. Me too. This dream has been happening for years. Its one of my dreams I remember vividly I've been told if you remember your dream its a message. I always struggled using my voice its time to speak up. We have something powerful to share with this 🌎

    2. Me too, just had the dream,woke myself, fell back asleep...... Then same dream continued

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I just had the dream. I Believe mine is directly related to an incident I had yesterday where I was vulgar and spoke disrespectfully to someone unnecessarily. Watch your mouth!

  10. Hello, i don’t usually post on these sorts of things but i’ve been having this dream frequently for around 2 months. Most recently i was in a club type setting and just kept pulling handfuls of a gum-like substance out of my mouth, which was never ending. And noone seemed to notice or care.

    I find it very interesting and crazy that we are all having such a similar dream, how can our brains all be trying to tell us the same thing, through the same dream? It’s crazy.

    1. It's not a dream. I think it's the ending of an OBE. What is stuck in your mouth is ectoplasm. !!! You will know this if your dream before this happens is very realistic and memorable. That's because you have been floating around on the other side. ! Google ectoplasm and you will get what I mean.

    2. I feel you it is crazy and interesting, I wonder do we all struggle to speak how we truly feel?

  11. I started having this dream about a month ago. I would be arguing and the more I try to make my point the more my mouth fills with gum. The more gum I try and pull out the bigger the wad gets until I start choking and usually wake up chocking. The explanation goes with what I'm going through right now.

  12. I too have this dream and do feel powerless about a certain situation and very unsure what to do ....

  13. What the actual fuck.... Ive been having this dream for over a year. People said it was change, control, etc etc, which was right cuz of final semesters of nursing school. First it was just gum. I declined all gum offers IRL, but, i hadnt had gum in years and years anyways.

    So i get settled into my new nurse job and the dreams chill. Then i get the gum dream, but there is a row of braces stuck between my lower bottom teeth (braces came off 15 years ago). Then it mellowed again.

    Then recently, in addition to regular never ending gum dreams, it turned into spackling or some sort of construction material that started to harden on my teeth.

    In a lot of my dreams im chewing gum and say/think "oh its just a dream" but then gets stuck more!

    Just the other day it was like the dry spackled was used as a crown but the tooth was loose after i floss-picked. I called the dentist and they asked if i was 13 because i waa talking weird so i didnt loosen the tooth more? And said they would explain puberty to me, as if that had something to do with losing baby teeth.

    1. Also googling the gum dream brings back posts as far back as 2003....

  14. I too have to pull gobbs of thick pink gum from the roof of my mouth. The dream usually ends when I've collected a surprisingly large amount of gum and I fear I'm actually deteriorating my hard palate. The panic causes me to wake. I've probably dreamed this a dozen times. I don't read into dream meanings but I do notice that when I wake, my tongue is pressed firmly to my palate which simulates having stuck chewing gum. It's basically how I need to breathe so I don't read a meaning into the dream - it's just how my brain is processing the pressure of my tongue.

  15. I have been having this reoccurring dream alot lately and when I found your post I'm freaking out too. I just keep pulling this gum out of my throat and I'll even get big chunks out but there is always more. No one around me seems to notice or mind either, even though I'm being self conscious about it. And once I read the meanings it couldn't apply more to my life. It's crazy. Thanks for the post.

  16. I have had the exact same thing for more than a year...I just woke up by the same dream except someone seen me this time and said you don't look very pretty doing that and I said I know...this time also the gum ended up changing colors after pulling so much of it out. It's like the more I pull out the more I get. I absolutely hate it. I've googled many times and cannot to save my life find out really what's going on or why so many people have this same dream

    1. It's not a dream. It's the aftermath of an OBE. See below. Ectoplasm -Google it. Very simular to gum in your mouth.

  17. I have this dream where I am trying to constantly pull chewing gum out of my mouth. I never chew gum in my waking life. I also have extremely vivid dreams just prior to wanting to pull the gum out of my mouth which always manifests itself at the very end of a vivid dream. I now think that the gum maybe " ectoplasism" something which may relate to having an OBE -an out of body experience. I think this due to the fact that the dream before the gum incidents are so vivid they feel like reality. So that's my stance on this one. Anyone else think like me ?

  18. Yes me to Derrick R. I always have this puzzling dream also for years at different times, and I pull and pull life hand right hand keep on pulling and I have to breath out of my nose because it's hard to breath but last night I pull so much out on the ground I also felt someone looking but they went on and I kept on pulling I think it was food, it also choke me up it's a serious choking dream so I look down to see the pile and it was gone, thanks everyone I thought it was only me,I still don't understand the meaning

  19. I also have this recurring dream, it's crazy how similar it is to the other descriptions in this thread.

    Last night I had it, in the dream I removed big balls of slimy but hard substance (the balls were at least two or three times bigger than a fist), I kept throwing them into a trash can, but my mouth was still full of it.

    The worse part is how hard it is to pull it apart from my teeth, it's very much stuck and I have to introduce my fingers deep into the sides of my mouth to try to pry it apart, to no avail.

    I did have an uncomfortable situation this week.

  20. I had that dream last night, I've have it tons of times. I've read that explanation before and I'm not sure it thats what's happening to me, I guess it could be. But the OBE explanation is crazy, cause in the vivid dream I was having last night right before the gum thing, I was doing a yoga headstand with other people and then a guy appeared and he was like levitating, but it was kinda scary. I'm gonna look for more information about that and ectoplasm...

    1. Ok Dude that was demonic.. YouTube Isaiah Salvador or vlad savchuk yoga/ new age meditation. I’ve seen people manifest first hand. It was scary because it’s very real

  21. I also have this reoccuring dream. And in my dream, I feel like I can't breathe. And its like, when I get a handful of it, when I think I pulled them all out, it gets full again. Never ending.��

  22. Do you suppose that it means what we should be more careful with what we say to others?

  23. Crazy just had this dream for the first time definitely think it's OBE related bc I've had similar experiences

    1. This is crazy. I keep having the same dream of trying to pull gum from between my front teeth. It is ALWAYS when I am with people, but they don't notice. I never chew gum in real life. This dream has had me baffled, so I thought I'd Google it and was I shocked that it is not just me, having this dream constantly. Bizarre right!?

  24. Also, like so many of you said, the gum is never ending. The more that I pull out... The faster it fills up my mouth again. Is my subconscious trying to tell me to shut up!?

  25. I just had another dream last night of gum being stuck to my teeth and I'm not sure what to make of it.

    The first time it happened I was at a weird performance with my family at first but by the end I was alone. As I looked for them I touched hands with one of the performers and we passed through a crowd and he took me backstage to the dorms where the performers slept. It was absolutely filthy and dark, with rows of bunk beds stacked on top of each other. There was only one sink and mirror in the middle of the room for all the performers to share. Right as I began talking to the performer who took me back there my mouth was stuck with all this sticky gum and I couldn't speak. I kept pulling and pulling it off my teeth embarrassed. I brushed my teeth and it went away and I woke up.

    Then last night the dream started off with a wedding very happy. I was then at a baby shower for my friend and helping organize a raffle guessing the gender to help raise funds for the baby. I started looking for my friend that I thought was the father of the baby and I found him in a shared bathroom and then my mouth was full of this sticky gum again! Only this time it was stuck on so hard and sticky when I pulled it came out really stringy and ripped several teeth in half. Bleeding and holding my broken teeth in a napkin (still attached by the gym) I fled to the reception to find my mom and ask for help. She didn't understand what had happened or seem alarmed. Then I woke up.

    What does this mean?

  26. I’ve been having this dream off and on for YEARS!! As far back as I can remember. Last night was awful though, to the point there was so much gum in my mouth, I was pulling it out but it wasn’t clearing and I was struggling to breath! Then I woke myself gasping for air 😱.

  27. Kinda glad to have found this thread... I fell asleep after trying to be polight with crazy christian had been attacking a friend and I online, basically saying Jesus was going to come back and murder us coz we weren't born again. The never ending pulling gum off my my teeth at a big party where ppl didn't seem to realise how i was struggling was awful... it just didn't stop. Then I looked at blobs of stuff in my hand and it started to grow like giant bits of popcorn and they floated off into the air. I took it that i wasn't being understood and condemned by this crazy preacher guy but in the end it floating off was it was ok and the stuff didn't matter.

    1. Jesus doesn’t condemn anyone The Bible says that. It’s said He convicts the world of sin. That mean he will convict the heart to not sin. He will do that with Love because God is love. He convicts with His overwhelming presence of Love. He made you. He loves you. He’s for you. And He will never leave you. For God so LOVE THE World that He GAVE His Son (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross for Your sins so you will have eternal life the Word also so He desires NO ONE to Parrish, but have everlasting life. But we all are given freedom of chose. Chose life ❤️✝️ The key is Jesus. It says He died and went to hell for you. For me. For everyone. He took the keys from hell. All you have to do is believe He died on the cross, Took the beating, believe he died and Rose again 3 days later, it does say repent of your sin and he wipes you white as snow. And say be my Lord and savior, have a relationship with me (relationship not religion) and if you still don’t believe.. you can say God I don’t believe in you but if you’re real show me! Because the Word says, Test and you shall see I AM GOOD and you will be blessed!
      Sometimes even pastor get it wrong but regardless God never does. And he always Love. He hates sin, eager to forgive, and wants a relationship with us.

  28. I have had this exact dream on and off for years, stringy gum that I'm trying to pull out of my mouth and strings are stuck to my throat and I'm pulling fistfuls out to no avail. I am wondering if this may be related to times when I am snoring as I go through hormonally induced phases of loose joints and throaty coughs at night when I am overly flexible, and have a few days a month where I wake up coughing or struggling for breath.

  29. I am so sick of people who don't know the truth telling us we have sleep paralysis when it's a spirit involved in it I've seen them

  30. Wow I just had this happen to me. I am lost in this big place and I have these people showing me how to get out but as I am walking around I am pulling gum out of my mouth

  31. I have had a similar recurring dream I am pulling taffy out snd it just keeps coming sometimes it breaks off only to be pulled and pulled again. I have had this dream for about 15 years and it started shortly after getting dentures.i am curious if anyone else has dentures?

  32. I HAVE THIS SAME DREAM. I have had it for years. I actually had it last night, thats why I decided to google the meaning and stumbled upon this thread. I am not sure the meaning behind it, but I do find it fascinating that all of our dreams are SO similar. We are constantly pulling never ending amounts of gum out of our teeth, people are usually around/with us but never notice or say anything and it is just more of irritating and annoying feeling. Ive discussed dreams quite often with friends and family and I have never had any similarities in dreams. But this is almost uncanny. Any thoughts why we would all have the same dream ? Or find it odd/fascinating? Have you ever had similar dreams to other people?

  33. Jesus. SAME dream started about 8 years ago that I can remember, haven't had it in a few months, but prior to now - every night. I dont really believe in dream interpretation, it's kinda like horoscopes to me, i'm just skeptical. BUT, everyone's accounts of the exact same dream scenario is freaky. Gum or some sort of never ending taffy in my mouth. I repeatedly pull it out and am embarrassed, constantly looking around and trying to be discrete - no one notices, ever. I have always dreamt insanely vivid and sometimes confuse reality with dreams for a few seconds. But, this reoccuring dream with a neverending substance that I'm pulling out of my mouth is annoying, yet wild.

  34. I also have this reoccurring dream! For a long time now, maybe like 1 to 3 times a year for probably around 10 years and I hate it. This is the first time I’ve decided to look it up and see if anyone else has this dream. I’m actually blown away by how many people do and how similar (exactly same!) the dreams are. Mine starts out with me chewing white stick gum, the gum is always white. The dream around me is always different. I’ll start chewing gum and carrying on with the dream until the gum starts to grow and grow I’ll try to pull bits out but there’s always some in there, like it just replenishes what I just pulled out until my mouth is completely full and I’m struggling to breathe. I try to pull it out but it just stretches and I can’t get any of it out. So I start to try to dig my hand around all of it and pull it all out at once which never works. Then I start to feel it in my throat and I really have a hard time breathing, I try to get my hand back there and pull it out of my throat. All the while I’m doing this, the dream world doesn’t seem to notice even though I try to hide myself trying to get it out. For example last time this happened I had a woman yelling at me and I’m thinking Lady can you not see that I can’t breathe! Sometimes I’ll be able to clear some out and get a breath and sometimes I’ll just wake up. Oh I also saw a few people say they hate gum in real life and I also hate gum in real life, I never chew gum.

  35. Literally just waking from the same dream. Endless gum. Can’t pull it out, can’t spit it out, or swallow it. It’s just hanging there. And everyone overlooks it as I struggle to remove it. It defeats me, yet I spend the entire dream fighting gum. Would be nice to gain some understanding of what this could mean. Wow!

  36. Had the same dream last night, I believe it's kind of like energetic purging of negative emotions. Recently had an ayahuasca session, same thing happened, we humans collect so much trash inside of us, and during night time, the body digests it, just like food, and it has to come out, so negative dreams appear when you've collected too much negative energie (thought / emotions) during the day. I now see bad dreams as something positive, because it means your processing and releasing stuff that doesn't serve you.
